My morning commute, on average, is slowed to a crawl 1.5 days a week. It's an easy drive, 10 miles total, most of which is on an interstate. There's one exit and a merge, it should be smooth sailing, right?
Half of those 1.5 days that I'm stuck rolling along at 20mph, it's because some schmuck pulled over (or got pulled over) and now everyone has to look to see what's going on. In most circles, this is called rubbernecking. It's something else that everyone complains about, no one admits to, and nobody does anything about it.
My answer: you know how ERs have those curtains for privacy so that not everyone has to be subjected to viewing massive head wounds? Every DOT with a highway should set up those same curtains along each shoulder. Put duckies and bunnies on them for aesthetics. (They already have those walls up, these are just closer to the road and softer)
Just the fact that rubbernecking is socially acceptable is nuts. What are people looking for, intestines strewn about the highway? Spare change? I'm pretty sure they're not looking to see how that car held up in a crash, which of course would be the best reason to look at an accident when you're flying by at 70+mph.
You people make me sick. Maybe I'll pull off to hurl later this week, you all can slow down to watch.
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