Monday, March 27, 2006

Porch sittin'
So we have this couch in our family room on which I have taken more than my share of naps. Now I'm thinking that I might sleep better on it than in our bed.
Case in point: Saturday night I was suffering through the usual congested related problems: not being able to breathe, and well that's about it. It's a good one, no?
So I got out of bed 'round 6:30 out of frustration, and to let Cara sleep some more since she was going to work most of the day.
I come downstairs, lay on the couch, and proceed to sleep for like 3 solid hours. very nice. It probably saved my Sunday.
Then today I come home, quite tired, and without really trying, I sleep from 7 to 9:30!!!
bonus: Upon awakening, it feels like my cold is finally in remission. (I say remission because the way this year is going, it'll come back in a month)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Those shower soother things that I talked about in my blog worked pretty well for my congestion. It helped me sleep through the night. only bad thing is you have to use is right before you go to bed, it's only temporary. Hope you feel better!!