I don't mean to brag, but I was able to identify this ride just from seeing the left front headlight. Take that, you black socks and sandals wearing mid-West tourists. Suck it!
I wasn't too keen on touring Hollywood, but I was outnumbered. Finding out that they have a John Wayne airport AND a Bob Hope airport really removed any credibility this town might have had to me. Bob Hope? What about Spielberg International, or Uncle Milty, or even Carmen Electra? I can think of at least 3 people who wouldn't mind taxiing on that landing strip.
We only spent one day in H-wood. I was pleasently surprised to find out that Charro's house has a basketball hoop.
The next day was spent returning one rental car, picking up another (don't ask) and then heading out to Venice Beach and Santa Monica. The beach was pretty nice until some sand got into my sandals. That's when I started getting some blisters on my feet. And the sand was rediculously hot.
Santa Monica was pretty nice, or at least the "Promenade" and the pier were. We didn't see the rest of the town, so who knows hot ghetto that place is?
We left LA early enough on Saturday to have lunch in San Francisco. I was pretty happy because I know how cold it usually is there so I dressed appropriately. The 3 women I was with? not so much. Ha ha.
Although my dreams of eating at Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles were dashed, I did get to eat at In n Out Burger near Ghiradelli Square. I asked the kid behind the counter to make it good, and his suggestion was to add onions. It was ok. I did like that the ingredients were all fresh (allegedly)
We spent the next day at the Jelly Belly factory which was a bit disappointing as they weren't making anything that month, plus, I don't need to eat that many jellybeans. We spent the afternoon sampling wine in Napa Valley and eating lunch. We stopped at this place called Market where I had a tasty prime rib sandwich:

Kim had herself a risotto that she absolutely loved. I think it had mushrooms in it

If I remember correctly, she freakin' loved it. (Does anyone know how I can get the pictures to show up where I have the cursor? It keeps putting the pic at the beginning of the post and I have to cut and paste the rest of the post above it. What a royal pain in the ass)
Anyways, I forgot that I also got this chop salad

If I remember correctly, the wife got some pan-fried chicken w/ mashed potatoes and Heather got a healthy portion of macaroni & cheese. I had a pint of some English sounding porter (whatever is similar to Guiness) but it still managed to taste kind of thin to me. We were all impressed with the little thingy in the can that controlled the foam.
Alright, this room is warm and the picture thing is starting to annoy me.
Ooh, I have a good reason as to why I haven't posted too much recently: apparently the AC adapter to our laptop has crapped out and the battery never lasted long to begin with. One of these days I'll get around to buying another one on Ebay (eBay?)
I found out this weekend that I am about to embark upon the greatest August in my lifetime, and perhaps everybody else's as well. The 2nd weekend of the month, we're headed up to PA as my boyfriend-in-law is hosting a hog roast (pig, to the lay person) Now, I've never been to anything like this and I'm not sure what to expect but I don't know how this can't be one of the top 10 events in my lifetime, up til now.
Then, the week after that, we're going to a crab feast. I've only had crabs one time in my life and found them to be a lot of work for the food, but it was fun and there was plenty of beer involved.
And that, is what leads to the greatest August ever. Previously, the month has only served as a beginning to any Labor Day countdown. Seriously, 31 days of 90-something degree heat with no holidays? Who's idea was that?? Yech.
And so now I'm stuck upstairs with only the MLB all-star game to listen to. I just watched two minutes while calling the wife and I think that is more than I've watched in the last five years combined.
Hmmm, what else is going on? Well, that's all I can think of, for now.
I'll get back to you with the story of the Oregon portion of our vacation and maybe some more pictures, if they don't piss me off too much.
1 comment:
I take it you didn't have a good time on vacation...at least the California part. I was actually kind of disappointed in us not going to the chicken and waffle place either, because my friend's boyfriend who used to live in Cali, said it's a must go to.
OH, and a little tip on getting the meat out of crabs....all you have to do to get it out whole is to split it in the middle with your thumbs, gently, and slowly pulling the two halves apart and the meat will be on one side and then you just gently pull it out with your fingers. Being a native floridian and basically eating them all my life, I'm pretty much a master at getting into those suckers. Although, you can only do that with every part but the claws and the head, those take a little muscle...oh, and beer also helps too. :)
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