Monday, November 06, 2006

Porch sittin'
Ah, homeownership. Our town will vacuum up your leaves (I think that's how they do it) twice a year, usually once in November and once in December. They sent out the schedule a few weeeks ago and I made sure to put our street's dates into Outlook. For whatever reason, I thought the first suck-up was next week. When I got to work this morning, a reminder popped up that the sucking begins this Wednesday and all of our leaves are still strewn about the yard.
Sunset these days is just after 5pm, or right when I leave the office, and with my bike ride home (yes, still) it's good and dark by the time I get home. but still, we have a lot of leaves (and pine needles (EVERgreen my ass) and all I have to do is rake them down the hill to the curb. It sure beats raking everything into piles, putting it all into bags that I have to pay for, and then putting the bags into the garage and a few days later, carrying those same bags down to the curb to be picked up by the trashmen (not the Surfin' Bird band)
so today when i got home, I put on my sneakers and raked like the dickens, still in my bike clothes. I think I like raking in the dark. If I miss a spot, I probably won't know about it, I'm not going to miss a bunch of football, and it's cooler so I won't sweat up a storm, and maybe some of the annoying neighbors stay away from me, the eccentric Old Man Greene. Frankly, I don't see a downside.
And, I didn't miss out on forming the callous (sp??) on my thumb from my work gloves. Who needs all that skin anyways?

1 comment:

DirkStar said...

Sweet life, dude...