Thursday, December 17, 2009

I know that losing this weight is a matter of making better choices with my food. I'm proud to announce that today at Chick fil a I got a sandwich combo but got the side salad instead of the fries. I was impressed with it. The salad has the same volume as a softball and has some broccoli and tomatoes in it. And while I was at it, I got Mal the fruit on the side instead of fries. Might as well make us both healthier, right?
I've been to the gym twice this week, both times to go swimming. We joined just over a year ago and I fell in love with the spin classes. Unfortunately, Mal's sleeping habits tend overlap with the classes as does Cara's work schedule so I've only been a few times in the last several months. I need to learn that I can do other stuff there that isn't spinning. I like swimming and what it does for me. It's a whole-body workout. I can also do it pretty much every time and any time I'm there. Plus, it's right next to the hot tub and steam room and I'm already dressed for the sauna.
My conditioning is crap though. I've only been able to do 3 laps (there and back) I also like that it gets Mal back to the babysitting there. She seems to love it and it gets her around kids of all ages and ones that she doesn't know as well. I plan on going back tomorrow and Saturday, at least.
That should do it for today, thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Grace_Lily said...

good for you Dave! Keep it up. Wish I could afford a gym, I'd be there everyday and wouldn't have such a big problem with my weight too.