Monday, December 14, 2009

I'm back baby!!!

That's right, after 2 years of living a completely different life, I've decided to return to my blog and resuscitate it. I have a mission. Since I stopped working 2 years ago (to the day?) I've put on nearly 25 pounds and I want to lose that and more and keep it off. I weighed myself today and I was 195lbs. For my height (5'6"), I should be around 150.
I'm going to use this blog now to continue talking about the everyday that I experience, but also to track my thoughts, progress, and anything else worth knowing in my quest to lose this weight. Unfortunately, I have to go finish cleaning the kitchen and take out the trash. I'd start some laundry, too, but I'm pretty tired right now.
I hope all is well with everyone who follows this blog and I hope to hear from all of you soon.


Oh, and this is what my daughter looks like today:

1 comment:

Grace_Lily said...

We're the same height???