Thursday, February 02, 2006

Question of the day: We all know there are generally two types of men: those who wash/rinse their hands after going #1, and those who don't. And we all know that it's socially acceptable to make fun of those who don't.
Today I came across someone trying to break down the "glass ceiling" of bathroom handwashing. He didn't go near clean running water, but he did wipe his hands with a paper towel when he was done.
What are we supposed to make of this? Is that acceptable? Is it just the same as not washing? Or is this a whole new class of hygenically impared people? (and if so, do they get their own parking spaces)

"Let me sleep all night in your soul kitchen"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

he didn't want to touch the door knob and get penis residue from some other dude on his hands.